The Dangers of Driving While Impaired

By JohnDrunk Driving Accidents

Driving while impaired refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs, and/or alcohol. Driving while impaired is one of the deadliest, and unfortunately, most committed crimes in the United States. Every day, at least 30 people die in alcohol-related accidents. That’s 30 too many. The annual cost of alcohol or drug-related crashes estimates to around $51 …

Elderly Heat Stroke and Exhaustion

By JohnNursing Home Abuse & Neglect

As the summer approaches, the days are becoming longer and the weather is getting warmer. With an exceptionally long winter, I’m sure Austinites are ready for summer weather. Although, along with the summer months comes the possibility of heat stroke from the extreme summer temperatures. Hot weather can pose a danger to anyone, but elders are particularly prone to extreme …

Malpractice Warnings With Allergy Season Arriving

By JohnMedical Malpractice

Allergy season has everyone sniffling, sneezing, and heading to the doctor’s office in hopes of getting some relief. This time of year can be very difficult for many because of the runny noses and puffy eyes, however it can be even more difficult for those who happen to get ahold of allergy medicines that are wrong for them. Over the …

Crossing Concerns: Making Bicyclists Safe On The Roads

By JohnBicycle Accidents

As the weather begins to warm up and the sun pokes it’s head out for longer hours of the day, many people will start knocking the rust of the chains and bringing out their bikes again. The warm sun, the nice breeze, and two wheels cutting down the road is a favorite past time for many daily commuters.  However, despite …

Safety Tips for Boating Season

By JohnBoating Accident

As the temperatures begin to climb, more and more people are making plans to head out on the water.  Texas is a vast land with many options for water recreation, whether it be in man made lakes or naturally occurring rivers.  If these plans involve the use of a motorized watercraft, maintaining safety while having fun is important to getting …

Texas Dram Shop Claims Explained

A “dram shop” is technically any establishment in which alcoholic beverages are consumed and/or sold. Some examples of this would be a restaurant or a bar. A dram shop law/act holds the establishment liable for any injuries that resulted from someone who has consumed alcohol at the establishment.  For example, if the person is drinking at a restaurant and is …

What to Do After Getting Food Poisoning

By JohnFood Poisoning

Food poisoning is uncomfortable and can be truly horrible to deal with. If you have been made ill from consuming contaminated food, you may be wondering whether or not you can make a case for yourself. The answer is yes! However, time delays that occur between eating the food and the first signs of illness can make it difficult to …

South by Southwest Accident Strikes Austin

By JohnCar Accidents, Drunk Driving Accidents

South by Southwest is an Austin, Texas, famous festival that thousands of people flock to every year. The festival takes place in March and has interactive music and film events for people to attend.  There is an abundance of free concerts, food and alcohol being given to festival goers daily, and the week is typically filled with copious amounts of …

The Severity of Construction Site Accidents

By JohnConstruction Accidents

Though today’s construction sites are a lot safer than they used to be, construction sites are extremely dangerous places to be. Construction has forever been and still is considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs in America. Construction site accidents can result in serious injuries or even death. Injuries on a construction site typically lead to a loss …