Back to School is a Great Time to Brush Up on Bicycle Safety

By JohnBicycle Accidents

As children get older, they earn more independence. They also earn the responsibilities that come with it. If your child has reached the age where he or she can bike to school, sports, or friends’ houses alone, now is a great time to help the whole family brush up on bicycle safety basics.

Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect: Know the Signs

By JohnNursing Home Abuse & Neglect

If a loved one is suffering abuse or neglect in a nursing home, you might find that the signs are difficult to detect at first. This is particularly true if your loved one has a condition that impairs their communication or cognitive awareness, which makes it more difficult for them to alert you to a serious problem. Click Here to …

Distracted Human Driver Causes Google Self-Driving Car’s First Injury Accident

By JohnDistracted Driving

Since Google’s self-driving cars began traveling on public streets in California, Michigan, and other states six years ago, the company has reported fourteen car accidents, including one that injured three passengers in the self-driving car and one in another vehicle. The one thing all fourteen accidents had in common? Every one of them was caused by a distracted human driver …

Do You Know the Signs of a Concussion?

By JohnBrain Injuries

Back to school season is just around the corner, which means that school and college athletes all over Texas are already hard at work on training for another season of their favorite sports. Every sport poses risk that a player will suffer a concussion. Although this isn’t a reason to keep young athletes from playing, it does require parents, teachers, …

Governor Greg Abbott Signs Three Strikes Nursing Home Bill

By JohnNursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Texas governor Greg Abbott recently signed Senate Bill 304, which imposes stricter requirements on the state’s nursing homes and includes concrete steps for shutting down facilities that consistently violate health and safety laws, according to a recent article in the Bandera County Courier. The new law, also known as the “three strikes” law, requires the state’s Department of Aging and …

Playing It Safe in Texas Highway Work Zones This Summer

By JohnConstruction Accidents

Summer is here, which means that construction zones are popping up all over the Dallas-Fort Worth area and in cities throughout Texas. In 2014, there were 135 fatal car crashes in Texas work zones, claiming a total of 149 lives, according to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). An additional 671 people suffered incapacitating injuries, 2,959 suffered serious non-incapacitating injuries, …

Weather Plays a Big Role in Texas Boating Safety

By JohnBoating Accident

When heading out onto the water, you check your boat and your safety equipment. But do you keep any eye on the weather? According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and many experienced Texas boating accident attorneys, the weather can play a huge role in boating safety, and sudden storms or squalls can easily cause boating accidents.

Higher Car Wreck Risk Predicted for Memorial Day and Throughout Summer 2015

By JohnCar Accidents

Researchers at the National Safety Council and the American Automobile Association (AAA) are predicting a higher rate of fatal and injury-causing car crashes during the summer of 2015 than were seen last year. At least seven deadly auto crashes have already been reported in Texas for the recent Memorial Day weekend, according to a news report from Fox 6. With …

Studies Find Distracted Drivers Also Impede Emergency Vehicles

By JohnDistracted Driving

Studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), dating back to at least 2008, have consistently shown the dangers posed by distracted driving. Drivers who are busy texting, making phone calls, eating, or performing other tasks behind the wheel are more likely to cause serious injuries to other motorists, bicyclists, or pedestrians. Now, studies are showing that distracted drivers …