Farmers’ Markets Chickens Could Contain More Bacteria

By JohnFood Poisoning

In order to prevent food poisoning, it’s vital to be especially careful when handling raw meat since it can contain bacteria that leads to food poisoning. This was confirmed recently after a study comparing bacteria in grocery store chickens versus farmers’ market chickens. The study showed that the 100 chickens purchased at the local farmers’ market had the highest amount …

How to Avoid Bike Accidents at Intersections

By JohnBicycle Accidents

Riding your bike to work in Dallas is the perfect way to exercise while saving on gas. But even though riding your bicycle is great for you, it can be very dangerous, especially when riding through intersections. Around 45 percent of bike accidents occur at intersections when bikes are hit by cars. To help protect yourself from becoming a victim …

How to Report Food Poisoning in Texas

By JohnFood Poisoning

If you have ever experienced food poisoning, you know how miserable it is. Food poisoning can cause nausea, diarrhea and even lead to death. It’s important to report food poisoning, so that you can prevent it from occurring to others. Here are three tips on how to report food poisoning in Texas: 1. Call Your Doctor or 911 If you …

How to Drive Safely in the Rain

By JohnCar Accidents

This summer there has been more rain in Texas than recent years. Even though the rain is much needed, it causes many car accidents since many don’t know how to drive safely in the rain. It’s important to refresh yourself on safe driving in inclement weather to avoid getting in a car accident. Here are four tips on how to …

4 Tips for Preventing Construction Accidents

By JohnConstruction Accidents

One of the booming industries in Texas is construction, but it’s also one of the most dangerous industries and leads to many deaths every year. If you are a construction worker, it’s important to know how you can prevent construction accidents. Here are four tips for how you can prevent construction accidents: Request safety meetings: If you are in charge …

How to Avoid Food Poisoning While Grilling

By JohnFood Poisoning

Summer in Texas is the perfect time to heat up your grill and cook out with your loved ones. But if you aren’t careful, food poisoning can wreck your summer fun. To help protect your family from food poisoning this summer, here are some food safety grilling tips: Be clean: It can be hard to find a place to wash …

What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident

By JohnSlip-and-Fall Accident

Texas slip and fall accidents can occur at anytime, anywhere. Slip and fall injuries can range from bruises and scrapes to broken bones or even lead to death. Since you never know when you will get in a slip and fall accident, it’s important to know what to do in case you are ever the victim of one: Get medical …

Typical Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

By JohnNursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Texas nursing home abuse happens more often than you would expect. Your loved one might suffer nursing home abuse or neglect because nursing home workers are often under trained, not paid well and overworked. Many elderly patients feel bad complaining or are too scared to share about their abuse. It’s important to catch nursing home abuse or neglect before it’s …

How to Stay Hydrated After Food Poisoning

By JohnFood Poisoning

If you have ever had food poisoning, you know the hardest part of it is staying hydrated after losing your fluids all day through vomiting or diarrhea. It’s vital to stay hydrated, so you can avoid dehydration. To help you stay hydrated after food poisoning, here are some tips: Sip water or suck on ice chips: You don’t want to …

How to Avoid Common Summer Injuries

By JohnBurn Injury

Summer in Dallas, Texas is a fun time to enjoy the sun with your friends and family through swimming and barbecuing, but it’s also a time when many personal injuries occur. To help you and your family stay safe this summer, here are some tips on how to avoid four common summer injuries: Barbecue burn injuries: U.S. fire departments respond …