Product Liability Cases – the Famous and the Controversial

By JohnProduct Liability

Product liability serves as protection for consumers in the event that the product that they purchased and used causes injuries as a result of the negligence of the manufacturer or the seller of the product. The injuries may be caused by a defect in the product, or by the failure of the manufacturer to include proper labels and instructions on …

Types of Medical Malpractice

By JohnMedical Malpractice

When a medical mishap occurs as a result of a medical professional’s negligence, it is referred to as a medical malpractice. While there are only a very few cases of such, the cases are rather serious and have debilitating effects to the victims. However, it is important to note that it is not a simple case of a doctor making …

Avoiding Drunk Drivers on the Road

By JohnDrunk Driving Accidents

Every 30 minutes, there is a person who is killed because of drunk driving. This translates to about 16,000 fatalities annually – all because of alcohol and a negligent driver who chose to violate the law. Apart from the fatalities, there are injuries that occur every other minute. The numbers speak for themselves. Drunk driving is a major problem for …

What to Do If Your Pet Dog or Cat Bites You

By JohnDog Bites

Hundreds of thousands of animal bites occur every year – with dogs taking the top of the list. In every 10 bites, 7 are caused by the owner’s own pet or by one that they know. Unfortunately, most of the cases involve children under the age of 5. This article discusses the things that you need to take note of …

Different Types of Severe Brain Injuries

By JohnBrain Injuries

A brain injury can be caused by different events, but they are all results of heavy trauma that is sustained by the head, whose effects range from mild to extremely dangerous. Some of these events include vehicular accidents, occupational accidents, slips and falls, among others. The injuries sustained in these kinds of incidents are known as traumatic brain injuries. Types …

First Steps to Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Under the unfortunate circumstances that you are involved in an accident, due to the negligence of someone else, that causes injuries, you should seek legal advice. If you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit after an accident, it’s important to know what to expect from the process and how to prepare to make your claim. Take Notes After you’ve …

Proving Medical Malpractice Through Misdiagnosis

By JohnMedical Malpractice

Medical malpractice can leave patients with serious injuries or even result in death. Medical malpractice occurs when a patient is injured by a doctor or other medical staff who fail to perform their medical duties. A number of doctors’ errors have occurred as a result of misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis. This can lead to patients receiving incorrect treatment, delayed treatment, …

Escalator Accidents Can Be Deadly

By JohnPersonal Injury

Did you know that The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates more than 10,000 people are injured on escalators every year? There are about 33,000 escalators operating in the U.S. – far fewer than the number of elevators. However, injuries occur more frequently on escalators, about 15 times more frequently than elevators. Although entrapment – in which a body part …

Tips for Bicycle Commuting

By JohnBicycle Accidents

You can find cyclists all over the roads of Dallas, especially during the warmer months. Bicycle commuting in Dallas has increased over the decades, with more people choosing to avoid the hassle of bumper-to-bumper traffic and riding to work and school on their bikes. Benefits There are a number of benefits when commuting by bike. A few of these benefits …

Ungrounded Electricity Can Cause Fatalities at a Construction Site

By JohnConstruction Accidents

Working on a job site can be rewarding and pay well when the project is completed. However, the actual process is very time consuming and meticulous when it comes to building great structures such as office buildings or high rise apartments. Sometimes these jobs require heavy machinery and dangerous equipment to complete, and should there be a malfunction in the …