If you are searching for a nursing home for your loved one, it can be an overwhelming process. Many nursing homes seem fine, but then later on you discover they have a history of nursing home abuse violations. Click Here to Call Our Law Office To help protect your loved ones from nursing home abuse, ProPublica created a nursing home …
Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Go to Inadequate Nursing Homes
Medicare provides financial support to elderly patients who need daily medical attention at a skilled nursing care facility. A new report by the Department of Health and Human Services inspector general shows that billions in taxpayer dollars are going to nursing homes nationwide that are failing to meet basic requirements set forth by Medicare. The Associated Press reports that one …
How to Find the Best Nursing Homes in Texas
Choosing the perfect Texas nursing home for your loved one can be very stressful, but there are resources that can help you find a place that fits your loved one’s needs. U.S. News has recently compiled ratings and useful data about almost every nursing facility in the United States. They created a searchable database called Nursing Home Compare, which is …
Should Texas Nursing Homes Have Hidden Cameras?
If you have recently moved a family member to a nursing home, you can’t be there to protect your loved one every moment of the day. You must trust that the Texas nursing home you chose will provide adequate care and protection. Unfortunately, there are instances every year of physical, emotional, financial and sexual abuse at Texas nursing homes. Click …
How to Protect Nursing Home Residents from Sexual Abuse
It is not easy to choose the right Texas nursing home for a loved one. You are choosing not only the building that will shelter your loved one, but also the nursing home workers who will treat your loved one with dignity and provide quality care. Nursing home workers are tasked with providing adequate care and attention to all residents, …
The Dangers of Infections in Nursing Homes
It is impossible to see germs, but they are all around us. In a nursing home, these germs can spread quickly and cause devastating infections like sepsis, colds, pneumonia, streptococcus, listeriosis and urinary tract infections. Elderly patients have been known to suffer serious and fatal infections that could have been prevented. Click Here to Call Our Law Office Many elderly …
How to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries in Nursing Homes
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1,800 elderly adults in nursing homes are killed each year from injuries caused by falling. Those who survive fall-related injuries can suffer permanent disabilities and a reduced quality of life. But there are steps that Texas nursing homes can take to prevent these types of tragic injuries, such as: …
Texas Nursing Homes Lead the Nation in Serious Violations
If your loved one is in a nursing home in Texas, make sure you check the nursing home’s background. More nursing homes in Texas have been cited for serious violations than in any other state, according to data compiled by ProPublica. Click Here to Call Our Law Office A recent Dallas Observer article shared that one reason for the high …
Beware of Defective Bed Rails in Nursing Homes
A New York Times article recently shared that in November 2006, 81-year-old Clara Marshall was moved to a nursing home because of her dementia, and just five months later she was found dead in her room. She was apparently strangled after getting her neck caught in side rails used to prevent her from rolling out of bed. Click Here to …
Installing Security Cameras to Protect the Elderly in Nursing Homes
Texas nursing homes have a responsibility to serve and protect one of the most vulnerable sections of our society – the elderly who are unable to care for themselves. Yet, not all nursing homes perform the necessary background checks before hiring employees to care of their elderly residents. Click Here to Call Our Law Office In 2001, Texas passed a …