We have blogged within the past several months about the hazards associated with household furniture that is not designed properly and, as a result, has a propensity to tip over and cause death or injury, especially to young children.
The January 2021 report authored by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) addresses in detail this very dangerous problem as it relates to events in 2020.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s 2020 Report
The Executive Summary notes that between 2017 and 2019, there were an annual average of 25,500 emergency room treated injuries involving tipping furniture or appliances, and, between 2000 and 2019, a staggering 571 reported fatalities. 44% of the injury victims were children and, not surprisingly, 82% of the fatalities involved children under age 18, with most deaths caused to children age 1 month to 14 years.
Many of these incidents involved tall furniture (like a bedroom chest, bookcase or shelving) with a television sitting on top, not anchored to a wall or otherwise secured. Other types of furniture and appliances have been involved as well.
This is simply tragic.
And preventable.
CPSC Recalls Issued for Unstable Furniture and Appliances
Over the past several years the CPSC has recalled many unstable products due to specific instances of injury or death caused by furniture tipping. Given the number of tipping injuries and deaths that have occurred, especially those to innocent young children, furniture and appliance product manufacturers should know of the hazards posed by instability and tipping. Because of that knowledge, they have a legal obligation to properly design furniture and appliances to prevent tipping and instability hazards. Such designs include wall or other forms of anchors that prevent forward tipping. Further, they have an obligation to adequately warn of the hazards.
Contact Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP For Help
If you, one of your children, or a loved one has been injured or has died as a result of unstable, tipping furniture or appliances, promptly contact the Dallas product liability lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP. Our main office is in Dallas, Texas, but we can handle these types of cases throughout Texas and on a nationwide basis. These are very serious cases. If a tragedy occurs, you need immediate legal representation to ensure the evidence is preserved, and that the right kind of safety engineer expert examines the scene of the incident, and the furniture or appliance that is involved and has failed. Do not wait!
In the meantime, and especially if you have young children, survey your own home to see if you can tell whether you have any furniture or appliance combinations that may pose a tipping hazard or danger. You may not be able to tell, but it’s at least worth an evaluation. Lives could be at stake.