Each year in the U.S., nearly 22,000 children are treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries suffered from a falling television, a piece of furniture, or an appliance. And, on average, a child will die every two weeks in America from such tip-over related injuries as a result of climbing on unsecured furniture, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Nearly all of these accidents could have been prevented if the piece of furniture or TV was secured with a simple and inexpensive wall anchor or strapping system.
Nonetheless, tip-overs are still occurring regularly despite government-funded public education programs.
One reason: As Americans buy newer, larger, and lighter TVs, many of the older and much heavier Cathode Ray Tube models find their way into other rooms in the house, often precariously perched on stands and dressers not equipped to handle them.
In one recent test, an older model CRT TV dropped from a height of just 36 inches hits with the average force of 12,703 pounds.
Ikea has recently agreed to settle a lawsuit based on a dresser that would tip too easily, agreeing to pay $46 million to a California family whose 2-year-old son was killed in an accident involving the dresser.
If a loved one was seriously injured as a result of falling furniture or appliances, you should contact a Dallas product liability lawyer at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP immediately for a free case evaluation.