If a loved one is suffering abuse or neglect in a nursing home, you might find that the signs are difficult to detect at first. This is particularly true if your loved one has a condition that impairs their communication or cognitive awareness, which makes it more difficult for them to alert you to a serious problem.
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But, if you know what to look for, you can spot possible abuse or neglect quickly, allowing you to take necessary steps to address it. Here are some of the more common warning signs of abuse or neglect, according to the U.S. Administration on Aging:
- Injuries of any kind, like bruises, pressure sores, broken bones, cuts, scrapes, or burns, especially if you don’t know exactly how they happened
- Sudden changes in behavior, like losing interest in activities the person used to enjoy or seeming unusually depressed or anxious
- Unusual financial activity on the person’s accounts, a change in spending patterns, or missing jewelry or other valuables
- Bed sores, unattended medical needs, soiled bedding or clothes, lack of bathing, or unusual weight loss
- A strained or tense relationship between the elderly person and staff, or staff who are not willing to allow you to be alone with your loved one (they may say as much, or they may simply “hover” in or near the room)
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If you suspect abuse or neglect, contact an experienced Dallas nursing home abuse lawyer at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP immediately. Do not delay – acting quickly is essential to protecting your loved one and securing the compensation they deserve.