We read yesterday in the New York Times about an exciting development in the ability to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease via a mere blood test. In the past the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, as opposed to dementia or other form of brain disorder causing cognitive impairment, has been very difficult, expensive, and oftentimes inaccurate. This difficulty, inaccuracy, and cost have created barriers to formation of clinical trials aimed at finding a cure for Alzheimer’s.
Here is an excerpt from the article summarizing the breakthrough:
“Blood tests for Alzheimer’s, which are being developed by several research teams, would provide some hope in a field that has experienced failure after failure in its search for ways to treat and prevent a devastating disease that robs people of their memories and ability to function independently.
Experts said blood tests would accelerate the search for new therapies by making it faster and cheaper to screen participants for clinical trials, a process that now often takes years and costs millions of dollars because it relies on expensive methods like PET scans of the brain and spinal taps for cerebrospinal fluid.
But the ability to diagnose Alzheimer’s with a quick blood test would also intensify ethical and emotional dilemmas for people deciding whether they wanted to know they had a disease that does not yet have a cure or treatment.”
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Living with Alzheimer’s in North Texas
We know many families in North Texas have been affected by a loved one with Alzheimer’s. We are very hopeful this breakthrough in testing will enable researchers to develop a cure for this awful disease.
Many assisted living or nursing home deaths are caused by Alzheimer’s. Some reading this blog post may have a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s residing in a nursing home or its memory care unit. Persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or another, similar form of dementia are at an increased risk for falls, delirium, and other negative conditions once becoming residents of nursing homes.
Still, nursing homes must provide the level of care to a resident stricken with Alzheimer’s or dementia that will preserve quality of life, and yet prevent falls and other negative events from happening. Nursing homes caring for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia are obligated to staff adequately, to provide regular and thorough assessments, and to manage behavioral and psychological symptoms — if possible, by avoiding use (and especially over-use) of medications. Nursing homes are paid for their services, in many cases by the federal government. They have an obligation to do it right.
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If a loved one that has Alzheimer’s or dementia has been subjected to nursing home neglect or abuse in the Dallas, Texas area – including falls and broken bones, bed sores or pressure ulcers — you should immediately contact the Dallas nursing home lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP. They will diligently investigate your potential case and, if necessary, take legal action to ensure you or your loved one receives the compensation that is deserved.