For a variety of reasons, women are more likely than men to become victims of elder abuse in Texas. While it is undoubtedly true that men are also victims of nursing home abuse, it is significantly more prevalent with women. In fact, Dallas elder abuse lawyers realize that women comprise at least 65% of this population.
Why Are Women Targeted for Elder Abuse More Frequently?
Why is this the case? A qualified Dallas personal injury lawyer may start by pointing out that older women are stereotypically perceived as more frail and weak than their male counterparts. Additionally, women make up the large majority of all nursing home residents. Here are some additional details that dig deeper into the fact that more nursing home residents are female than male, as outlined by the Nursing Home Abuse Center:
- Women tend to live longer and are, therefore, more likely to transition to a nursing home as they enter the latter stages of their lives. In 2016, women turning 65 had an average life expectancy greater than two years more than men turning 65.
- While 52% of women require a nursing home at some point, only 33% of men do.
- According to the U.S. Department of Health, in 2013 and 2014, 66.8% of nursing home residents were women.
What Are Some Signs that Your Loved One is Being Abused?
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While physical abuse and sexual abuse are the most prominent– emotional abuse, financial abuse, and nursing home neglect also affect women. Here are some of the signs to be aware of:
- Bruises, swelling, cuts, abrasions, broken bones, sprains, or other unexplained bodily injuries
- Injuries that were never treated by a medical professional
- A sudden change in their behavior
- The individual does not want to be alone with a particular caregiver
- Visitors are not permitted when a caregiver is not present
- Bruises or other trauma on or around the breasts or genitals
- Pelvic pain
- Sexually transmitted diseases, or anal or vaginal bleeding
- Underwear that is torn, bloody, or stained
- Refusing to see medical professionals or follow medical advice
- Lack of proper hygiene
- Malnutrition or dehydration
- Untreated bedsores
- Lack of heat or air conditioning
- The individual runs out of prescription medication much sooner than usual or has bottles of medication that do not look like they are being taken as prescribed
- A sudden decrease in bank account funds
- Stolen money or personal property
- An unusual number of checks are written to one particular person
If you suspect that your loved one is being harmed, contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
What can You Do to Help Prevent this Abuse?
Fortunately, you have the power to help prevent, minimize, or stop elder abuse of your loved one. Here are some suggestions:
- Visit or call as frequently as possible. Maintain regular contact with your loved one. In addition to maintaining regular contact, you should also build and maintain relationships with the nursing home staff and maintain regular communication.
- Surprise your loved one by visiting unannounced.
- Keep an eye out for the aforementioned warning signs that may indicate abuse.
- Ensure that your loved one is eating and hydrating sufficiently, and also that all medications are taken as prescribed. An individual in a weakened state is less likely to be able to communicate with you.
- Regularly monitor your loved one’s bank accounts and credit card statements to quickly identify any irregularities.
We Can Help You Achieve Justice
A Dallas elder abuse lawyer at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, understands the heightened dangers women face in nursing homes. We know how to spot nursing home abuse, and just as importantly, we know how to fight for justice. We are available 24 hours a day. Contact us today for your free consultation. We look forward to advocating for you and your loved one.