It breaks our heart to have to blog about this yet again (this is about the third time in the past couple of months), but here is a news report about another wrong-way, likely intoxicated driver that has caused immense tragedy on North Texas roads.
Three deaths. Just awful. The crash happened at about 8:35 p.m. Sunday evening (August 30) on the eastbound side of Interstate Loop 820 near U.S. Route 377, according to Haltom City police.
Look, if anyone thinks it’s OK to drink and drive, or to text and drive, or to drive recklessly, just imagine the pain and sorrow this poor family is experiencing. It will never go away. It’s life changing. We are all out there on Texas roads. Please, please be safe.
And if you run a bar or restaurant and serve alcohol on a commercial basis, do not let your customers drink too much. It’s against the law to do so. Texas has dram shop laws that can make you and your servers financially liable for drunk driving deaths and injuries if it is shown your bar or restaurant continued to serve the drunk driver alcohol after it was or should have been apparent he or she is intoxicated.
If you or a loved one has been killed or injured by any type of intoxicated driver, call the Dallas dram shop lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP. We not only will seek to hold the drunk driver accountable, but will also investigate the case to determine if the drunk driver was over-served at a commercial bar or restaurant. If over-service occurred, then dram shop litigation against the bar or restaurant can be initiated. Many bars and restaurants carry liquor-liability insurance. Dram shop claims can be used to potentially provide you and your family the type of compensation that is deserved.