Big Spring Nursing Home Investigation

The Texas Department of Disability and Aging Services is investigating the Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez nursing home. The State received a complaint about the nursing home that serves veterans, and after investigating the complaint the nursing home was put on immediate jeopardy status. This means there may be a situation that could harm the health or safety of one or more residents at …

Will the U.S. Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving?

By JohnCar Accidents, Personal Injury

The U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood recently recommended a federal law to ban talking or texting on a cell phone while driving. LaHood stated this at a distracted-driving summit in San Antonio. He thinks it is important for the police to be able to write tickets when people are foolishly using their phones while driving. Last year there were 3,000 US …

Wal-Mart Shopper Bit by Rattlesnake

By JohnPersonal Injury

While shopping in the garden center of a Wal-Mart in Washington state, Mica Craig was bit by a rattlesnake. He has been hospitalized for four days since the incident. He was choosing mulch and couldn’t see the price because he thought a stick was in the way. He tried to move it when he realized it wasn’t a stick, but …

Seawall DWI Crash Kills 2 Pedestrians and a Dog

Two men and their dog were killed as they walked on the Seawall in Galveston. Matthew Shelton, 27, was charged with two counts of intoxication manslaughter, said Lt. Michael Gray of the Galveston Police Department. Shelton was westbound on Seawall Boulevard at 13th Street when he lost control of his vehicle and hit the pedestrians who were taking their dog …

Dallas Construction Worker Dies After Hit by Forklift

A construction worker was killed while working at the new Parkland Memorial Hospital construction site. The 24-year-old from Plano died after being hit by a forklift and then suffered internal injuries. He was rushed to the present Parkland Memorial Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The spokeswoman for Balfour Beatty Construction, which is the lead project partner, said at 1 …

Nursing Home Abuse Caught on Camera

By JohnNursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Quail Creek Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center in Oklahoma City fired two employees accused of abusing a 96-year-old dementia patient. The two employees were arrested for the charge of neglect by caretaker. The victim’s family put a camera in the room because they thought someone was stealing from the patient. But instead, the film caught the nursing assistant slapping the …

Texas Nursing Home Employees Fired After Reporting Abuse

By JohnNursing Home Abuse & Neglect

Two nurse assistants at Bandera Road’s Princeton Place nursing home in San Antonio were fired after reporting abuse of elderly patients. The nurses reported that some patients had unusual and excessive bruising in the shape of finger imprints, and also had torn skin on their faces. There are 134 patients at the nursing home, and the employees wondered if there …

Houston’s Most Dangerous Dogs

By JohnDog Bites, Personal Injury

Houston has a dangerous dog list with five local dogs on it: three are pit bull terriers, one is a Chihuahua mix and another is a Mastiff mix. Other dogs that might have been on the list were put down by their owners after vicious attacks. There are special regulations for dangerous dogs. Their houses must have signs that state …