TxDOT Urges PASS to Stop Drunk Drivers

By JohnDrunk Driving Accidents

Recently an Amarillo, Texas man was in life-threatening condition after he was hit by a suspected drunk driver. The 22-year-old was hit by a car and the driver fled the scene. The suspect was found later and booked in Potter County Jail for failure to stop and render aid, and intoxicated assault. The Texas Department of Transportation states that every 20 minutes …

Texas Widow Files Wrongful Death Case Against TXI

By JohnWrongful Death

Texas Industries is being sued by a Texas widow for allegedly requesting her husband take a drug test immediately after falling during a fatal work accident, instead of calling an ambulance. Her husband, Benino Perez, had worked at the cement and construction company for 38 years and was only two weeks away from retiring when the accident happened. He was …

Texas DWI Convict Sentenced to 45-years in Prison

By JohnDrunk Driving Accidents

A man from Forth Worth, Texas will go to jail for 45 years for his fifth DWI charge. Jurors only deliberated for four minutes before finding Stephen Hall guilty. Hall chose to have a judge determine his sentence. Hall was pulled over last summer at River Oaks. When the officer came to his car, Hall said, “I am so under …

“Watch for Motorcycles” Signs Posted around Dallas

By JohnCar Accidents

Allstate Insurance Co. is putting up signs to alert drivers to motorcyclists in 25 metropolitan areas to try to stop crashes and save lives. There were almost 600 motorcycle related accidents in Dallas County in 2010, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, and 35% occurred at intersections. On average three motorcyclists are killed every day at U.S. intersections. Drivers …

Family Sues Applebee’s for Over-Serving Alcohol

In 2009, there was a tragic drunk driving car accident in which a North Texas child, Abdallah Khader, received brain injuries. The boy was 2-years-old at the accident and suffered damage to 80 percent of his brain after Stewart Lee Richardson hit his family’s car. Abdallah’s parents were also injured in the crash. The family of six-year-old Abdallah Khader sued …

Dallas Mom Alerts Teens to Drunk Driving Dangers

By JohnDrunk Driving Accidents

One in four 12th grade students got drunk in the last month, and Texas has the most drunk driving crashes and fatalities in America, according to a new study by Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Renee Varela’s son, Anthony, was a victim of a drunk driving crash. He had just spoken to a military recruiter and was looking at career options …

Dallas Fifth Worst City for Dog Attacks on Letter Carriers

By JohnDog Bites

Texas letter carriers have a dangerous job. Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio and El Paso are some of the top 25 most unfriendly cities for postal workers because of so many dog attacks. In 2011, Houston was the third-worst city for dog attacks and Dallas was fifth. Postal workers often hear, “Don’t worry, my dog won’t bite,” from residents …

Hotel Housekeeper Falls to Death in Elevator Shaft

By JohnWrongful Death

Last December, a 65-year-old housekeeper at the Crockett Hotel in San Antonio fell to her death six stories down an elevator shaft. There was a state investigation on the incident, and the findings were recently released. The chief elevator inspector with the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, Lawrence Taylor, said it seems like Gloria Rodriguez backed into a service …

Nursing Homes Make Heavy Use of Anti-Psychotic Drugs

A Boston Globe investigation recently showed that roughly 185,000 nursing home residents in the United States were given anti-psychotics in 2010 against federal nursing home regulators’ recommendations. These types of drugs are intended to treat severe mental illness like schizophrenia. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration released a medical alert about the fatal side effects of when dementia patients take …