If you were the victim of a Texas motorcycle accident and were not wearing a helmet, you might wonder if you can still get compensation. Texas recommends all motorcycle riders and passengers wear a motorcycle helmet that meets the safety standards of the state’s Department of Public Safety. But you can drive a motorcycle in Texas without wearing a helmet …
What Happens During a Car Accident Mediation?
If you’re the victim of a Dallas car accident, and have decided to file a personal injury lawsuit, you might be facing a mediation. Instead of going to court, a mediation is when you and your Dallas car accident attorney meet with the opposing attorney, and usually a representative from the defendant’s insurance company to settle your car accident case.
CPSC Children’s Products Recalls for March
You want to keep your children safe, but it’s easy for them to use recalled products that can harm them. Using defective children’s products that have been recalled can lead to serious injury or even death. To protect your children, take a look at some of the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s children’s products recalls for March: Disco Lights Recalled Due …
Dallas Cowboys’ Josh Brent Court Date Set for Intoxication Manslaughter
Dallas Cowboys football player Josh Brent now faces a Sept. 23 trial on a charge of intoxication manslaughter after he was involved in a Dallas car accident that killed his teammate Jerry Brown. The Dallas drunk driving accident occurred on Dec. 8 when Brent was driving with Brown as a passenger. The accident happened when the speeding car flipped at …
Billions of Taxpayer Dollars Go to Inadequate Nursing Homes
Medicare provides financial support to elderly patients who need daily medical attention at a skilled nursing care facility. A new report by the Department of Health and Human Services inspector general shows that billions in taxpayer dollars are going to nursing homes nationwide that are failing to meet basic requirements set forth by Medicare. The Associated Press reports that one …
5 Tips for Picking the Best Personal Injury Attorney
If you were the victim of a personal injury, you know the only way you can get the justice you deserve is to hire a personal injury lawyer—but how do you pick the best one? If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer, here are five tips to help you choose the best one for you: Visit one that …
The Top 3 Common Basketball Injuries
This week brackets are getting filled out and TVs are turned on to all things March Madness. But even though basketball is a fun sport to watch and play, it can cause many injuries. Here are three common basketball injuries and how to avoid them. Sprained Ankle: This is one of the most common basketball injuries and results in pain …
Plastic Fragments Found in Frozen Steaks
If you have recently purchased “Fast Classics Country Fried Steaks,” don’t eat them until you are confident they are not part of a massive food recall. They may contain plastic fragments and other foreign materials. The Virginian Pilot reports that AdvancePierre Foods is recalling more than 15,000 pounds of frozen, country-fried steak products that were produced on December 21, 2012. …
Toddler Killed in Texas School Bus Accident
An 18-month-old from Tyler, TX was killed in a recent Texas school bus accident. The fatal car accident occurred when witnesses say the little girl got out of the gate in her front yard and walked out in front of the school bus while it was unloading passengers. Bystanders began banging on the side of the bus in an attempt …
How to Find the Best Nursing Homes in Texas
Choosing the perfect Texas nursing home for your loved one can be very stressful, but there are resources that can help you find a place that fits your loved one’s needs. U.S. News has recently compiled ratings and useful data about almost every nursing facility in the United States. They created a searchable database called Nursing Home Compare, which is …