A recent food poisoning has caused many in America to contract Hepatitis A. A New York Times article shared that Townsend Farms of Fairview, Oregon recently recalled one of its frozen fruit products, the Organic Antioxidant Blend, after the Centers for Disease Control linked it to a multistate outbreak of hepatitis A, a virus that affects the liver. The recalled …
Do Men and Women Recover Differently from Brain Injuries?
Traumatic brain injuries occur often to men and women, usually due to the negligence of someone else. Research has shown that men and women use their brains differently, and their brains are even structured differently. So does this mean that men and women recover differently from brain injuries? There hasn’t been much research done to determine if men and women …
The Top 4 Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents
When you are walking around a place of business and slip and fall, it is usually due to the negligence of someone else. Slip and fall accidents can lead to many injuries or even death. Here are some of the most common injuries that occur from a slip and fall accident: Head Injuries: After slipping and falling, it’s easy to …
Top 5 Causes of Boating Accidents
As summer begins, many more Dallas residents will be going to the lake and taking their boat out on the water. If you are headed to the lake this summer, it’s important to keep in mind these five causes of boating accidents to protect yourself from harm: Operator Inexperience: One of the top causes of boating accidents is when the …
How to Drive Safely in Pedestrian Areas
During summer, more pedestrians are walking around Dallas and enjoying the sunshine. That’s why it’s important to know how to drive safely in areas of Dallas with high pedestrian traffic, so you can protect yourself from getting in a pedestrian accident. Here are four tips on how to drive safely in pedestrian areas: Know when to yield: In America, most …
5 Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries
After receiving a spinal cord injury, your life is never like it was before. Spinal cord injuries can result in paralysis or even death. Most of the time spinal cord injuries are caused by someone else, and are the result of accidents, such as: Car accidents: Account for more than 40 percent of spinal cord injuries every year. Falls: Spinal …
What to do if You See a Drunk Driver
When you are driving home at night with your family, or even during the day, you might see a driver weaving, driving in the wrong lane or displaying other erratic behaviors. It’s likely that this driver is drunk and could harm you, your loved ones or someone else on the road. Here are some tips on what to do if …
What to Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident
If you have ever been the victim of a hit-and-run accident, you know it’s a stressful experience. You might be injured, and your car is damaged, but there is no one there to blame. In order to get the justice you are entitled to, it’s important to follow these steps after a hit-and-run accident:
CPSC’s May Children’s Product Recalls
You want your children to be safe, but many times they might use toys or products that could cause them harm due to a manufacturer’s negligence. We want to share with you the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s recalled children’s products for May, so you can protect your children from injuries. H&M Re-announces Recall of Children’s Water Bottles Due to Choking …
How to Protect Yourself From Aggressive Dog Breeds
There are many aggressive dog breeds that you should be on the look out for if you or your children are in an area with dogs. A study of dog bite data from 1982 to 2011 indicated that American Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers, crosses of these two breeds and Wolf Hybrids were responsible for most injuries and fatalities to humans. …