If a joyride ends up in a crash, and ends up causing injuries and damages to property, then who is liable? This is a question that parents wish they never have to ask, but the possibility is always present. For instance, a 6-year old and her 8-year old brother took their parents’ car for a quick joyride. The result is …
Sports-Related Head Injuries on the Rise in Children
In a study done between 2002 and 2011, it was found that there is an increase in the number of children suffering from traumatic brain injuries, and many of these are linked to athletic kids. One of the hospitals in the country was observed over a period of 9 years, and it was found that 15% of brain injuries that …
5 Ways to Lose a Personal Injury Case
Being a plaintiff in a personal injury case isn’t always the best feeling in the world. Suffering from injuries and trying to prove the other party’s liability, all while aiming to receive proper compensation for all the damages that have been sustained. However, losing a personal injury case is not difficult especially if you are not armed with the right …
5 Causes of Surgery-Related Medical Malpractice Cases
We go through surgery because we have a medical problem to address, or to generally feel and look better. However, there are rare yet dangerous cases when a surgery ends up worsening the condition. Inside the operating room, the possibilities of disaster are just limitless. While we do know our doctors and nurses to be well-trained and armed, one negligent …
Risperdal (Bi-Polar Medication)
You have probably heard a lot on commercials about Risperdal, a medication that is usually injected every two weeks to help control Bi-Polar and some schizophrenia conditions. You may also have heard of the condition known as gynecomastia, a condition in which young boys may develop male breasts, another side effect of gynecomastia is nipple pain or discharge. Gynecomastia is …
What You Can Do to Avoid Vehicular Accidents
Every day, it is almost impossible to watch the evening news without hearing about a vehicular accident that happened, claiming lives and injuring those who survived. Despite the many reminders, laws and guidelines that have been enacted to help protect motorists and pedestrians, many still choose to ignore these and end up becoming risks in the highways. Thus, as a …
Questions About Personal Injury You’ve Been Wanting to Ask
The topic of personal injury law branches out to several subtopics. Each case is unique and as such, there might be questions that are left unanswered. Here are some questions that you may have had in your mind, but have not yet found the answer. Question #1: How do I prove liability to get compensated? Most of the time, proving …
Pregnant and Driving? Remember Your Safety
A new study from Canada finds and suggests that pregnant women who drive have a higher risk at being involved in a serious vehicular accident, especially for those who are already in their second trimesters. What does this mean? Does it mean that pregnant women should stay away from the driver’s seat until they give birth?
What to Do If You’ve Been Injured at a Festival or Concert
If you or a loved one has sustained injuries because of the negligence of others, please contact the legal advisors of W.T. Johnson, who will support you and help you build your case. Throughout the year, several music festivals, concerts, and outdoor events are being held all over the country. It is a wonderful time to celebrate music and socialize …
Brain Injuries: An Overview
In the United States, almost 100,000 suffer from serious traumatic brain injuries that require medical attention. More often than not, these injuries hinder the individual’s ability to perform routine, everyday activities. Brain injuries can happen as a result of a vehicular accident, slip and fall, and even sporting activities where the head sustains a severe blow. There are two types …