This is an article out of Michigan illustrating an ongoing problem: Adult male managers of fast food restaurants preying on minor or teenage girl employees and sexually assaulting them during or after work hours.
This is just one example of this happening in the fast-food industry. A Google search yields many more reports of similar occurrences. These are truly dreadful crimes which rob young girls of their innocence, and subject them to lasting psychological harm, including academic withdrawal, depression and anxiety, and the inability to work with male supervisors and hold down employment. Simply awful.
Call Now to Speak to an Experienced Sexual Assault Attorney
The Law in Texas
There have been many criminal rape prosecutions arising from similar scenarios, including in Texas. But because these sexual assaults have such a devastating affect on the young victims, financial compensation from the manager’s fast-food employer is also often deserved and can be available, especially in Texas.
Most managers in Texas fast food restaurants act in the capacity of a “vice principal” especially while on restaurant premises. Because they act in that capacity, Texas law deems them to be representing the fast-food employer’s organization (i.e. corporation, LLC, etc. – sometimes a franchisee or management company — that runs the particular fast-food business location). Lawyers in Texas, including the sexual-assault lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, have used this feature in Texas law to hold that organization accountable by recovering millions of dollars for teenage sexual assault victims, especially those raped or sexually assaulted by adult or older managers on fast-food premises.
What To Do If You Find Yourself in This Situation
If you are a teenager or minor (or a parent of a teenager or minor) that has been raped or sexually assaulted by your superior or manager – and especially at a fast-food restaurant – you first need to immediately call your local police. This is imperative and we cannot stress it enough.
The police will likely direct you to a local hospital for a SANE exam. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is a qualification for forensic nurses who have received special training to conduct sexual assault evidentiary exams for rape victims. SANE nurses are specially trained in the medical, psychological, and forensic examination of a sexual assault victim.
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A SANE exam will hopefully yield some of the evidence necessary for a criminal prosecution and for any potential civil action against your employer or the assaulting manager. It will also provide other, immense benefits you will need to confront the difficult times you will likely face. Do not be afraid to contact police and get a SANE exam. Law enforcement and these trained nurses are professionals that are there to protect you, to help bring about justice and to provide you comfort.
Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP Can Help
Finally, if you are a teenager or minor that has been raped or sexually assaulted by a manager at work, or a parent of such a teenager or minor, do not hesitate to contact the Dallas sexual abuse lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP. We will do our very best to treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve, and will investigate your claim to determine if it is possible to recover compensation for the terrible events you have endured.