By JohnPersonal Injury, Product Recall

Many homeowners have gas or electric powered lawn mowers. Because lawn mowers are easy to use, children and adolescents are often charged with the weekly chore of mowing the lawn.

Although this may seem like a harmless chore, in 2010, more than 235,000 adults and 17,000 children in the U.S. were injured by lawn mowers, according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission. Boys sustain 80% of lawnmower injuries, which most often occur on the arms or the hands.

In addition to the hazards associated with push mowers, riding mowers cause even more injuries yearly due to loss of steering control which can lead to a greater risk of rollovers.  seroturn

According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, an average of 90 deaths per year can be attributed to riding mowers. The common pattern amongst these fatalities is a loss of steering control which bucks the occupant off the machine and rollover.

A rollover can occur on any riding mower, however these kinds of accidents are more prevalent among “zero turn” riding mowers. Zero turn riding mowers are designed with large rear tires, and smaller front tires that serve little more function than acting as a pivoting castor. These mowers are very popular due to their efficiency, speed and the precision of their turns.

Regrettably, all of these pluses come with a pretty big minus. The design, lends to a lack of steering on inclines, which can cause the mower to slide uncontrollably. It doesn’t take a steep incline to cause this loss of control either. Slopes as slight as 10 to 15 degrees have been shown to cause operators to lose control.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to burns, or loss of control or rollover of a riding mower, why don’t you give us a call at (214) 231-0555 and tell us about it. If an initial consultation is needed it is always free of charge.

Have a safe and happy summer!

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