Texas nursing homes have a great deal of responsibility for the health and safety of their residents. Elderly individuals typically move into nursing homes when they need specialized or intensive medical care that a family cannot provide for them at home. This means that the need to prevent infections and support the health of the residents with good nutrition and cleanliness is essential in a nursing home setting.
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When a nursing home fails to provide a clean living environment for its residents, infections can spread more easily. Dirty or unsanitary environments also contribute to conditions like bed sores, and they can encourage infestations of pests like mice or bedbugs. Neglect of the residents’ living environment can cause serious harm, as experienced Texas nursing home abuse lawyers see all too often.
The next time you visit a loved one in his or her nursing home, take a look around. Signs of a clean living environment include:
- Floors that are cleaned regularly. Tile floors should be swept and mopped, and carpet should be cleaned and vacuumed. The floors should be free of spills and debris that might cause staff or residents to slip.
- Bed linens and clothing should be washed and changed regularly. Make sure both clothing and bedclothes are free of dirt or soil, like spilled food or urine.
- Bathrooms and sinks should be kept clean and sterile at all times. The kitchen area should also be as clean as possible, and the kitchen workers should make efforts to “clean as they go.”
- Outdoor walkways should be free of ice, snow, litter, and other obstructions. They should also be in good condition, since cracked or uneven pavement can easily cause a fall.