Suspected drunk driving takes more lives in North Texas. This time, the tragedy occurred on Highway 360 south nearby the Arlington/Mansfield city line. A man, a pregnant woman, and their unborn child were killed in this awful event. The event occurred on the road’s shoulder during the changing of a flat tire. The allegedly intoxicated suspect apparently swerved onto the road’s shoulder and struck the people changing the tire. Alleged details about the incident can be found here.
This type of incident is not uncommon. We have handled a couple of cases in recent years involving intoxicated drivers killing or severely injuring others on road shoulders who are conducting vehicle maintenance. Ideally, we would eliminate all drunk driving so that this type of occurrence would never be a problem. Sadly, however, drunk driving will always be a menace.
Humans are frail, will inevitably exercise poor judgment, and will drink and drive. Accordingly, if you encounter vehicle problems – especially while driving at night – try your best to avoid pulling over on the side of a busy roadway, nearby lanes of traffic. Of course, in many cases it is unavoidable. But just be aware drunk drivers are out there and dangerous, especially at night.
Auto insurance bodily injury policy limits are often relatively small and cannot cover the true expense of a serious injury or death caused by a drunk driver. Accordingly, if you or a loved one is injured or killed by a drunk driver, contact the Dallas car accident lawyers at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP. We will, in addition to examining insurance, explore alternative means of recovery and compensation.
For example, we will look at whether the drunk driver had earlier been served too much alcohol by a bar or restaurant, creating the possibility the bar or restaurant is liable under Texas’s dram shop laws. Many bars and restaurants carry at least seven figures in liquor liability insurance. Dram shop liability is alive and well in Texas and can be a viable means of recovering substantial sums for drunk driving injuries or death