By JohnBurn Injury

Burn Injury LawyerJanuary is one of the most common months of the year for house fires, according to the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). The addition of heating equipment to a household’s daily routine increases the risk of fire during the winter months.

Although cooking-related fires remain the number-one cause of house fires in the U.S., heating equipment follows a close second, according to the USFA. Fireplaces, wood stoves, chimneys, and space heaters greatly increase the risk of a fire, especially when they are not maintained properly or they contain hidden defects. Between 2008 and 2010, 87 percent of heating-related fires were caused by problems with chimneys, flues, or the fireplaces or wood stoves attached to them. Space heaters can also increase the risk of causing carbon monoxide poisoning, especially if they are older models or contain hidden defects.

This New Year’s, resolve to reduce the risk of a fire or a severe burn injury in your house. Here are some ways that experienced Dallas burn injury attorneys protect their own families:

  • Install at least one working smoke detector on every level of your home and in every bedroom. Change the batteries twice a year or more often. A carbon monoxide detector can also help warn your family if this colorless, odorless, lethal gas begins to build up.
  • Make sure all heating equipment is properly cleaned and maintained. Contact a professional to clean equipment like chimneys.
  • Check the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) web site regularly for updates on products recalled due to defects, including items like space heaters.
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