By JohnDrunk Driving Accidents

Texas has one of the highest rates of drunk driving accidents in the entire country, and many of these accidents occur in Dallas County. If you are involved in such an accident, the first thing to do is seek immediate medical attention, especially if you are injured or bleeding. Make sure that someone has called for emergency assistance, or do so yourself, and be very careful about any neck or head injuries.

Once medical concerns are addressed, be sure to contact local law enforcement and wait for them to arrive on the scene. If you are the one who calls the police and you can see that the other driver is drunk, then be sure to mention that during the call. If the other driver attempts to leave the scene, try to get their license plate number and a description of their vehicle. As long as you are not injured, take pictures of the scene and any damage you can see, also be sure to get a copy of the police report filed for the accident.

You should also get the contact information for the other driver. This includes his or her name, address, phone number, and insurance information. If you notice that the other driver is drunk, then you should mention that to the police officer who responds to the scene.

Once you have taken care of any medical issues and police have made a report, then you should contact a Dallas law firm. Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP to help you understand your rights and make sure you are protected after the accident. We can ensure that the other driver is held responsible for what happens. Any criminal charges that occur as a result of drunk driving do not directly relate to your rights to civil action against a drunk driver that strikes you, so an attorney can help you file a claim and bring a lawsuit if necessary to cover your damages.

It is vitally important that you do not sign anything, other than a police report if necessary, after you are in an accident with a Dallas drunk driver. If your own insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company wants you to sign anything, do not do so without a lawyer present. You should avoid talking to the other driver’s insurance company at all, and let one of us at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP handle it for you, to protect your rights and make sure your needs are met. We can be reached at (214) 231-0555.

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