Alcohol is big business for restaurants and bars in the Dallas area, but owners and bartenders need to keep more in mind than their bottom line when serving alcohol in Texas. If an over-served customer harms themselves or others while intoxicated, the establishment could be held liable in court under the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Code, sometimes called the Dram Shop …
Snuffer’s Restaurant & Bar Investigated For Liquor Law Violations
Dallas-founded pub chain Snuffer’s Restaurant & Bar is known for three things: its Original Better Burger, its alleged ghost sightings, and, unfortunately, its lax attitude toward state laws on serving alcohol. Several Snuffer’s locations have been investigated by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) in recent years for violations such as allegedly serving minors and customers who were already seriously …
Dallas County DWI Task Force Creates New Website
Recently, Dallas County DWI Task Force created a new website, in order to reach out to the public about drunk driving. The Task Force is a group of several local organizations and government agencies that lead initiatives to prevent incidences of drunk driving. The group’s new website encourages Dallas citizens to reach out and share their experiences with drunk driving. Additionally, …