By JohnPersonal Injury

If you’ve torn off wrapping paper and found your gift hidden in clear, hard plastic, also known as clamshell or blister packaging, you probably groaned inside, wondering how to remove it. Some say it even causes “wrap rage” because nothing seems to work to open it.

Since clamshell packaging is so heavy duty, you have to use kitchen shears, a box cutter or utility knife to open it, which means it’s more likely to cause serious injuries. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, as many as 6,000 people per year visit the emergency room because of packaging-related injuries like lacerations and even puncture wounds.

The reason retailers use this hard to open packaging is that it helps prevent shoplifting, which is a problem that costs U.S. stores more than $13 billion each year. It also helps protect products that are being shipped around the world. Even though retailers have their reasons for using it, many say other forms of packaging would be better for consumers and the environment.

If you are trying to open clamshell packaging, here are some tips on how to open it safely to avoid injuries:

  • Inspect the package carefully before opening it. Many packages now have perforated areas that make it easier to open.
  • The best tools for opening it are kitchen shears, garden shears, box cutters or even a kitchen can opener. Cut around the outside of the packaging with whichever tool you prefer.
  • After opening, be sure to recycle the packaging. Also send your feedback to the company and ask them to consider packaging their products in more user and environmental friendly packaging.

If you or your loved one have been a victim of a personal injury due to the negligence of a company, you deserve compensation. Contact Crowe, Arnold & Majors today and set-up your free, no-obligation consultation with our experienced personal injury lawyers.

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