Sometimes committing a loved one to a nursing home is the best option, but the decision is never easy. Later, you thought your family member was receiving appropriate care, only to find out they were a victim of abuse or neglect.
You might feel rage, anger, sadness, and guilt, but the bottom line is that you want justice for your family member. You also want to ensure no other resident at this facility suffers because of mismanagement.
A McKinney nursing home abuse lawyer at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, will investigate the claim and hold all parties responsible for your loved one’s abuse or neglect accountable.
Neglect and Abuse
Texas has always ranked near the bottom in terms of nursing home quality. The AARP has ranked it 49th nationwide in quality of care and quality of life. It ranked 50th for nursing home staff turnover. Staff shortages are a significant cause of neglect and abuse, and Texas has a 72 percent turnover rate. The national average is less than 40 percent. The Lone Star State is also 50th when it comes to long-term nursing home patients and the use of antipsychotic medication.
Further, Texas has ranked high in bedsore development, which is preventable with proper care. Untreated, these deep pressure sores can develop into serious infections.
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In recent years, the problem of nursing home abuse and neglect has taken a turn for the worse. That is why it is imperative to report any suspicion of nursing home abuse to authorities right away. Your swift actions could save the life not only of your loved one but of other vulnerable residents.
Signs of Abuse and Neglect
You would notice if your loved one were unclean or lying in soiled bedding. Weight loss and dehydration are red alerts. These are the more obvious signs of neglect. However, indications that a resident is being mistreated can bnoticeable. If your family member displays any of the following behavior, or the nursing home has obvious deficiencies, suspect potential abuse:
- Fear of certain staff
- Frequent falls or injuries
- Injuries that are not healing
- Medication errors
- Unexplained bruising
- Unfriendly, uncooperative staff
- Unfriendly interaction with residents
Sexual abuse is also a reality in nursing homes. The perpetrator is generally an employee or another resident. If the latter, the nursing home is liable for the lack of supervision for allowing it to take place. Sexual abuse may leave blood on the resident’s clothing or bedding.
Contact our team of McKinney Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
We can answer your questions regarding what to do about this kind of neglect and abuse. Arrange a free consultation by filling out our online form or calling or texting 24/7.
After evaluating your claim, we will advise you of your options. There is no fee unless you receive compensation. We serve the entire Dallas metro area.