Dallas-founded pub chain Snuffer’s Restaurant & Bar is known for three things: its Original Better Burger, its alleged ghost sightings, and, unfortunately, its lax attitude toward state laws on serving alcohol.

Several Snuffer’s locations have been investigated by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) in recent years for violations such as allegedly serving minors and customers who were already seriously drunk.
Alcohol responsibility is a community concern. If a bargoer gets too intoxicated on a night out, they can easily hurt themselves or other members of the public. Texas law places strict rules on bars and restaurants, and under the state’s Alcoholic Beverage Code (also called the “Dram Shop Law”), businesses that serve alcohol recklessly can be held responsible for damages and injuries their intoxicated patrons cause.
If you or a loved one have been injured by someone you think was served alcohol irresponsibly, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. Consulting with an attorney at Crowe Arnold & Majors can tell you more about dram shop liability in Texas, and how we build a case.
Plus no fees unless we win!
TABC Investigating Snuffer’s
Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire. Just because Snuffer’s has been investigated does not mean that they have done anything wrong, but a case being dropped for insufficient evidence doesn’t prove the chain hasn’t engaged in wrongdoing.
Over our years of standing up for injury victims, we’ve noticed a trend. Businesses that are eventually held to account for their negligence with alcohol often have a long paper trail of complaints and past investigations that couldn’t turn up enough evidence.
Snuffer’s run-ins with the TABC might be isolated incidents, but they also could be revealing a larger pattern of disregarding the law and putting the public in danger.
Here are some of the incidents at Snuffer’s Texas locations that raise red flags:
Red Oak
132 E Ovilla Road Suite 5
A worried witness filed a complaint on Oct. 6, 2016, with the TABC that this Red Oak Snuffer’s location sold alcohol to an intoxicated person. Although authorities investigated, the TABC usually requires video footage or eyewitness testimony from one of their own agents to take action against a business for a liquor law violation. This case was dropped because neither of these sources could back up the complaint.
An investigation into a Jan. 30, 2017, complaint the bar had served a minor did not turn up any evidence. However, it did find proof of a lesser administrative violation, which the bar was penalized for.
3104 Ih 30
Even though the source of this tip was law enforcement, TABC still was unable to take any action on a Dec. 10, 2019, complaint that this Snuffer’s location served alcohol to an intoxicated person. Due to a lack of corroborating evidence, the case was closed – underscoring once again how tough it can be to stop negligent alcohol service before it severely harms someone.
Dallas Bars Have a Duty to the Public. Hold Them to It.
If you or a loved one have been harmed because Snuffer’s Restaurant & Bar or another Dallas-area eatery has served alcohol negligently, you may be able to sue for damages to help with medical bills and more. Contact us at Crowe, Arnold & Majors to learn more about dram shop claims.