Hurt in a Collision? Get Legal Help Now

Have you been involved in a rear-end accident? Rear-end collisions are the most common type of car accident in the US. Distraction from smart phones is responsible for many of the rear-end accidents that occur in Texas, and the issue is growing. Using a smartphone while operating a vehicle reduces the ability of the driver to make quick decisions, and the ability to avoid rear-end accidents.

Who Is At Fault?

In a rear-end accident, the front bumper of one vehicle makes contact with the rear bumper of the vehicle in front of it. It is important to know what your policy is, in terms of insurance, and how your insurance company handles rear-ends accidents. The suddenness of a rear-end accident can often cause whiplash and other injuries, even if it is at a low speed. The rear-driver is often at fault, but that is not always the case.

If you have been injured in a rear-end accident, you need to know and understand your rights. Some insurance companies might tell you that if there is little to no damage to your vehicle, you could not possibly have been injured. This is not always the case. Injuries from rear-end accidents can be painful and can cause you to take a significant amount of time off of work to recover. You should choose a Fort Worth injury lawyer that has notable experience with rear-end accident cases to help you in your quest for compensation.

Call for a Free Consultation with a Fort Worth Car Accident Lawyer – (214) 231-0555

Your Fort Worth car accident attorney will gather all possible information from the accident for your case, including getting a copy of the police report and your medical records. These may be used to discuss compensation with your insurance company or be used as evidence in trial.

During the length of your case, we are going to make sure that your medical bills get paid and that you can focus on your recovery. We promise that your case will be in good hands and that your main goal should be getting back to tip-top shape. We will handle all of the frustrating aspects of your case for you.