By JohnFood Poisoning

If a person gets sick due to the food he or she ate being contaminated with bacteria, then it is called food poisoning. The common symptoms of food poisoning are temporary diarrhea and vomiting, but for children and the elderly, it can sometimes be fatal. A minimum of 250 types of food poisoning have been identified, and in this article we will discover 4 of the common types – E. coli, salmonella, listeria and norovirus or stomach flu.

E. Coli

The type of E. coli that usually results in food poisoning is Escherichia coli 0157:H7. While most strains of this kind of bacteria are rather harmless and can be found in the environment, the dangerous ones are found in livestock – particularly their intestines. It is usually spread when the animals are slaughtered, but they can also be transmitted through raw milk and can also contaminate nearby crops. When the contaminated meat is undercooked and unclean vegetables are eaten. E. coli poisoning can occur. Also, personal contact with a contaminated person can also spread the disease. The common symptoms of this kind of poisoning are bloody diarrhea and in serious cases, kidney failure.


Salmonellosis is an illness that is caused by the family of bacteria known as Salmonella enterica. Salmonella is often found in raw chicken, spoilt milk, tainted produce, reptiles, even poultry. There is a serious form of salmonella poisoning that can also result in typhoid fever, which may be deadly. The more common but less serious cases often recover within 4-7 days without treatment, but if the bacteria get in the bloodstream, it may also be deadly. Hence, immediate medical attention is always recommended. The common symptoms of salmonella poisoning are fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.


The bacteria Listeria monocytogenes can cause a serious condition known as listeriosis, and affects pregnant women, newborn infants, and adults with weaker immune systems. The bacteria are often found in contaminated soil and water, which as a result, can be transferred to healthy livestock. When the food is undercooked or unclean, then they can carry the bacteria and be transferred to humans upon consumption. Babies can also get the bacteria if their mothers have it while pregnant. Symptoms of this condition include muscle pain, nausea, fever, diarrhea, loss of balance as well as convulsions.


Often called the ‘stomach flu,’ norovirus is actually a group of viruses that are commonly found in the waste material of infected organisms. It is highly contagious, although not fatal, and often goes away after 1-2 days. Infected individuals who do not wash their hands properly may unknowingly pass the condition to others, especially if they prepare or touch the food that the others will consume. The symptoms of stomach flu include vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and stomach cramps.

If you have been food poisoned and looking to pursue legal action against the establishment who served you contaminated food, then it is best to seek the assistance of a legal counsel who can walk you through the maze of personal injury lawsuits. The lawyers of W.T. Johnson are here to help you with your concerns and assist you in getting the compensation you deserve. Call us today.

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