Caregiver abandonment occurs when a staff member in a nursing home intentionally leaves a resident in a vulnerable and potentially dangerous situation–knowingly depriving them of necessary care and supervision.

Unlike nursing home neglect, which could be unintentional due to a lack of attention or resources, abandonment is a deliberate act that places the resident at immediate risk. At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, our Dallas personal injury lawyers take elder abuse very seriously. The mistreatment of our loved ones, specifically their complete and total abandonment, is a black eye on our nation’s care facilities. We believe it is your right, and our duty, to stand up to these negligent caregivers and hold them accountable. Call today to schedule a free consultation. We are happy to answer your questions and advise you on your legal options.

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What Are Examples of Nursing Home Abandonment?

Both abandonment and neglect often cause severe physical and psychological harm to residents. However, abandonment’s willful nature generally leads to more immediate and direct danger.

Caregiver abandonment can manifest in various ways, including the following:

  • Taking on a patient assignment and then leaving the unit without informing anyone.
  • Intentionally disregarding calls for help or requests for assistance, even when the caregiver is aware that the resident needs immediate attention.
  • Intentionally failing to administer prescribed medications on time or at all, endangering residents’ health and well-being.
  • Deliberately leaving a resident alone and isolated as a form of punishment or emotional abuse.
  • During an emergency such as a fire alarm, a caregiver may abandon their responsibilities by failing to assist residents to safety.
  • Failing to assist residents who need help with eating or drinking.
  • Leaving residents outside in extreme weather conditions or unsafe areas of the facility exposes them to substantial risks.
  • During an emergency such as a fire alarm, a caregiver may abandon their responsibilities by failing to assist residents to safety.

When a loved one enters a care facility or nursing home, we expect their needs to be met in a timely and appropriate fashion. When it becomes apparent your loved one is receiving far below the necessary amount of care to maintain a dignified and healthy life, it may be time to take legal action.

What Are the Signs of Abandonment in a Nursing Home?

Recognizing the signs of abandonment in nursing homes is vital for protecting your family member or loved one. Here are key indicators to watch for:

  • Sudden changes in behavior like withdrawal, anxiety, depression, or fearfulness
  • Dirty or unsafe living environments
  • Unexplained injuries like bruises, cuts, or pressure ulcers, i.e., bedsores
  • Significant weight loss
  • Malnutrition or dehydration
  • Missed medications
  • Untreated medical conditions

If you believe your family member’s life to be in danger, you should speak with the proper authorities immediately. Contact the care home’s management, your local Adult Protective Services (APS), or any other department that could help remedy the situation before it becomes too late.

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What to Do if You Suspect Nursing Home Abandonment

If you suspect nursing home abandonment, start by documenting everything—note down dates, times, and details of issues, such as dehydration, severe weight loss, unpleasant odors, or stained bedding. Speak directly with the nursing home administration about your concerns and follow up in writing to create a record of your conversation.

Consider moving them to another facility or back home temporarily, and ensure they receive necessary medical attention. It is also wise to contact a nursing home ombudsman. These advocates can provide valuable advice, help mediate disputes, and investigate your complaints.

Finally, consult with a lawyer at Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP. We excel in helping gather the necessary evidence to support claims of abandonment.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Our Dallas nursing home abandonment lawyers know how disheartening it is to learn your relative is not being properly cared for. We know how to prove that abandonment occurred and will leverage every resource to achieve the compensation you and your loved one deserve. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a dedicated nursing home neglect lawyer today. Since we work on a contingency fee basis, you will not pay attorney’s fees unless we win compensation for your family.