Were you injured in a car wreck in Dallas because of a distracted driver? One in four crashes takes place because of a distracted driver. Many states only have a broad statute that discusses distracted driving. In a nutshell, it usually says that drivers should devote full time and attention to the road.
Distracted driving doesn’t just mean someone was texting and driving. Distraction occurs anytime a person’s eyes are not on the road; hands are not on the wheel; or mind is not on the task of driving. This could include activities like checking a map, fiddling with the radio, or looking at a child in the back seat. These activities are dangerous because they inhibit a person’s ability to make quick decisions, such as swerving to miss a stalled car.
A car wreck can change your life in more ways than you think. Your injuries may require long-term treatment. Bills begin to pile up because you may not be able to work. Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP has recovered more than $110,000,000 in damages on behalf of clients. Let us help you too. Call (214) 231-0555 for a free consultation with a Dallas car accident attorney.
A Top Dallas Traffic Accident Attorney By Your Side
Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP and his team are experienced trial lawyers ready to fight to protect your rights. We know the tactics insurance companies may use to deny your claim. We will aggressively fight to get your claim handled in a fair manner. During the life of your case, we will work to make sure that your medical bills are paid. Our law offices work with experts in many different fields to maximize your physical and legal recovery.
Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay nothing unless we win. You don’t need a big retainer to get the legal help you deserve. Our focus for more than 25 years is customer satisfaction.
Texas Laws on Distracted Driving
Texas distracted driver laws are very specific about wireless devices.
- Bus drivers and beginning drivers are not allowed to use handheld or hands-free cellphones. They are also banned from texting and driving. (A beginning driver is defined as an individual that received his/her license within the last 12 months.)
- Texas banned all use of handheld mobile phones and texting for drivers within a school zone.
- If a driver is under 18 years old, he/she is prohibited from using a cellphone while driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 16% of motorists under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were distracted drivers.
If you are injured because of a distracted driver, it is important that you report the claim to your insurance company and seek medical care. Next, you should find a lawyer that is knowledgeable about distracted driver accidents.
The Potential for Serious or Fatal Injuries
Drivers who are distracted tend to speed, and may not even attempt to correct themselves or turn away from an oncoming collision, meaning these crashes tend to be worse than others. Our law firm has helped clients who suffered a combination of injuries, including:
- Traumatic brain injury, from mild concussions to severe skull fractures
- Neck and back injuries, including damage to the spinal cord (herniation, paralysis)
- Deep lacerations or degloving
- Internal bleeding and organ damage
- Traumatic amputation or crush injuries, requiring surgical amputation
- Broken or shattered bones
- Burns, leading to permanent scarring
- Wrongful death
In the event that you loved one was killed by a distracted driver, you have the right to file a wrongful death claim. In addition to compensation for your loved one’s hospital bills prior to death, you may receive funeral/burial expenses, lost income and future benefits, and the emotional costs of your loved one’s passing: loss of affection, companionship, marital relations, and more.
How Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP Proves These Cases
Proving that a driver was distracted isn’t easy. But our team will conduct a thorough investigation: interviewing witnesses, working with accident reconstructionists, reviewing your medical records, requesting any available video surveillance, and subpoenaing cellphone records from the at-fault driver. There are certain patterns we’ve found in these cases, and we know what to look for.
Meanwhile, it is important that you write down everything that happened. This information should be given to the attorney during your consultation. Get a copy of the police report to take to your consultation as well. Be prepared to sign releases for us to obtain all of your medical and treatment records in relation to your accident. Your attorney will need this information in order to work with your insurance company or to present if your case goes to trial.
Contact Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP today at (214) 231-0555. The sooner you call, the sooner we can get the details of your claim. We accept cases in Dallas, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Collin County, Denton County, and others. We will provide a free consultation and walk you step-by-step through what to expect during your case. Don’t wait. If you can’t come to our location, one of our attorneys will come to you.