When another party’s negligence is the cause of your car accident, you are entitled to recover all of your economic losses from them. This includes the salary and wages you did not receive as a result of your inability to work.
In Texas, you will have a better opportunity to recover the full amount of your lost income when you are represented by a personal injury lawyer. They will have the knowledge and experience to argue not just for your lost salary and wages but also for damages related to your lost earning capacity. This will also include job opportunities that you might have missed during your recovery.
At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, we have, collectively, more than 65 years of experience in helping car accident victims collect large damages awards from negligent drivers and their insurance companies. We understand that even after insurance pays for your medical bills, you will continue to experience losses if you cannot work. We fight to recover the largest available compensation necessary to make you whole after a car accident.
What evidence will show that a car accident was the cause of the injuries that kept you from working?
Under Texas law, an injured party can recover damages when another party’s negligence is the direct and proximate cause of those injuries and losses. In and around Dallas-Fort Worth, a Dallas car accident attorney will marshal all available evidence, including:
- medical records with details of the extent of your injuries
- police accident reports and witness statementsthat show the other party’s negligence
- employment records that describe the injured party’s job duties and responsibilities
- testimony from physicians and other experts regarding how injuries prevent the performance of regular job functions
An individual who’s been in a car accident should always have a medical examination as soon as is possible– regardless of how minor the injuries seem to be. A negligent party and their liability insurance company can argue that some other cause resulted in the disabling injuries– if the plaintiff delays medical help.
How will your lost salary and wages be calculated?
Your car accident lawyer will calculate your average weekly wages based on your pay stubs and salary records immediately before your accident. They will multiply that average by the number of weeks that you are unable to work. The resulting amount will be the starting point for your lawyer’s argument regarding the amount of lost salary and wages that should be awarded to you.
Your lawyer will also consider any vacation days, paid time off, retirement benefits, and other job perks that you might have missed. If you were passed over for promotions or you missed commissions, your lawyer will press for reimbursement of the prospective value of those lost benefits as well. If your injuries leave you permanently disabled, your lawyer will extend the argument to include full payment of your lost salary and wages for your full life expectancy.
When will you receive reimbursement for your lost salary and wages?
Several months or more can elapse before a Texas car accident lawsuit is settled or tried. When you have a car accident in Dallas, you can expedite your damages reimbursement if you retain a lawyer and file your lawsuit as soon as is possible.
Filing your lawsuit early will also enable your lawyer to defer any payments you might incur for medical treatment and other services until your lawsuit is resolved. Your lawyer will not charge any upfront fees but will earn fees from any final settlements for lost wages and other damages you recover.
Call our team of Dallas car accident lawyers for a free consultation
Please fill out our online contact form or call our offices to speak with one of our attorneys about how you can recover your lost wages when you cannot work after a car accident. We offer complimentary consultations and charge no upfront fees if you retain us and we accept your case. We will fight to recover the full amount of your damages, including all salary and wages you missed due to not being able to work.