Many people here in Dallas rely on propane to aid with heating and cooking at home. While it can be very efficient and effective, it can also be hazardous. Whether you are using a large static propane tank or a smaller propane cylinder that you bought at the store, you must continue to take all necessary safety precautions. Unfortunately, even if you exercise an abundance of caution, you are still not immune to propane explosions.
How Do Propane Explosions Happen?
The use of propane is widespread—so it is understandable that you have questions about its use for your home—and what causes dangerous explosions. Here are some of the most typical:
- A breach in the pipes can cause the propane to leak. That can easily be the catalyst for an explosion– once a spark ignites a specific concentration of propane in the atmosphere– that surpasses an acceptable level. The pipe breach itself may be caused by age, insufficient maintenance, or a product defect.
- Human error could take the form of any number of mistakes when it comes to propane explosions. The errors themselves often end up compounding each other as well. One person may forget to close a propane valve after usage. Someone else may accidentally forget to turn off the ventilator. Another person may come along and ignite the explosion by smoking in a prohibited area.
- Odor fade can also be deadly. An odorant is required to be added to propane to facilitate the easy detection of a leak. That odor can fade for several reasons, though, and lead to an undetected leak.
- Propane tanks that are improperly stored or used are also hazardous.
How Do I Know Who is to Blame for a Propane Explosion?
Please note that just because an explosion occurred, it does not necessarily mean that another party will be held liable for the resulting injuries. There must have either been an instance of negligence or the involvement of a defective product that was unreasonably dangerous.
However, any number of people or entities can be held liable for a propane accident, depending upon the facts in that particular accident:
- The manufacturer of the propane tank if the tank is found to be defective
- The manufacturer of the parts used in making the propane tank
- The company that most recently recycled the tank– if it should have been removed from circulation due to being defective
- In accidents where someone did not safely close the tank, the person who most recently filled the tank and/or the company that employs them could be held liable
- Any wholesaler or retailer who sells a defective propane tank
- Anyone who stores the propane tank on their property if the explosion harms other people
It’s best to consult with a Dallas gas explosion lawyer in the aftermath of an explosion to determine liability.
It is Time to Fight for Justice
Not only are propane explosions potentially lethal, but getting to the bottom of the root cause for the explosion is often complicated. That is one reason why we recommend that you hire a qualified Dallas personal injury lawyer to represent you in your lawsuit. We recently secured an $825,000 settlement on behalf of our client, a propane explosion victim. The right personal injury attorney will know how to fully and properly investigate all relevant details of your accident to maximize the amount of financial compensation you receive.
Contact us for a free case evaluation
If you or a loved one has been injured in a Dallas propane explosion, reach out to Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, 24 hours a day to schedule your free case review. In addition, we work on a contingency-fee-basis, so there are no upfront legal fees.