Sexual assault frequently results in psychological trauma that can last a lifetime. Recovering from this requires years of counseling and other modalities of treatment. State law allows the victims of sexual assault to pursue financial compensation from their abuser and any entity that aided them through a civil lawsuit. At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, we can hold perpetrators of sexual assault accountable, even in cases where the state prosecutors have not pursued criminal charges.
Call Now to Speak to an Experienced Sexual Assault Attorney
The decision to file legal action based on a sexual assault claim should always be made in conjunction with experienced legal counsel. A skilled sexual assault victim lawyer can explain your legal rights and advise you on what to expect from the process.
Understanding Your Injury Claim
It is vital that you understand the nature of your claim. These are not criminal cases, and they will not result in jail time or fines. However, when successful, these claims can bring you peace of mind and closure. The recourse in a civil claim is monetary compensation recovered from your attacker. Your right to pursue a lawsuit is not tied to criminal prosecution. As noted above, the two cases are entirely separate, and the state doesn’t have a say on your personal injury claim. This means you are not at the whim of the prosecuting attorney. The decision to file suit is yours alone.
One of the significant benefits of a civil lawsuit is that it can target individuals or entities that a criminal case could not. Some institutions might share in the responsibility for enabling the abuse or the attack, but the prosecutor might not feel there is enough evidence to bring criminal charges. In these cases, you have the right to pursue entities like employers or schools that failed to create a safe environment.
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Put Your Mind At Ease With A Free Consultation
Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, prides itself on a long history of thorough, compassionate representation for sexual assault victims. We understand the difficult challenges that come with this, and we are prepared to pursue your case in a manner that makes you comfortable.
We know you have questions about your claim, which is why we never charge for an initial consultation. During your initial consultation, we can review the facts of your case. You will undoubtedly have questions about this and the legal process in general, and we look forward to answering them.
Most of all, any discussion you have with us is confidential. Whether we ultimately represent you or not, you can count on complete confidentiality throughout your initial consultation.
Contact Our Team Of Denton Sexual Assault Victim Lawyers Today
A civil lawsuit could represent your best chance to hold your abuser accountable. At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, our sexual abuse lawyers are prepared to put our extensive experience to work towards getting the most out of your claim. Contact us to schedule your free initial consultation.