Sexual grooming refers to how an offender cultivates an intimate relationship with a child for sexual gratification. On the surface, it can appear like a strong friendship or bond between the perpetrator and their target, but underneath, there is a much more sinister goal: to overcome boundaries before the abuse takes place. By some estimates, at least half of all children who are sexually molested are groomed by the abuser first. By learning the child grooming warning signs, you may be able to prevent your child from becoming a victim of sexual abuse.
If your child has been sexually victimized, contact Crowe Arnold & Majors LLP. When there is evidence that a child has been exploited by a predator, a Dallas sexual abuse victim lawyer can ensure that the abusers are held liable for their actions.
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What Does Grooming Mean Sexually?
Sexual predators are often masters of psychological manipulation. While any child is at risk, those with little parental supervision are often targets. The same holds for children with disabilities or neurocognitive issues. The offender pays special attention to the child, tells them secrets, cultivates emotional dependency, buys gifts, takes them on trips, gives advice, and sexualizes the relationship.
Keep in mind that offenders are sometimes found within the family circle. Other offenders attempt to become family friends, earning the family’s trust to gain access to the child.
Grooming Occurs In Real Life (IRL) and Online
Grooming occurs in real life and online. In the latter scenario, the offender gains the child’s trust and may attempt to meet them in person. Online predators are often adults who pretend to be the child’s age and share interests with their victim, such as games, apps, or music. They might use blackmail to make a child feel ashamed, convince them they are in a loving and consensual relationship, or introduce the idea of secrets to control or intimidate them.
They are usually more challenging to identify than their real-life counterparts. As a parent, you can protect your child by emphasizing that online friends are not people they know and that they should never agree to meet someone they met online.
Grooming Behavior: Warning Signs That Your Child Is Being Groomed
Suspect potential child grooming if any of the following occur:
- Your child becomes unusually secretive or displays personality changes, such as dressing or speaking differently or no longer interested in their favorite hobbies, sports, or friends.
- Your child makes sexual references they should be too young to understand.
- The offender may suggest spending time with the child alone, such as suggesting a camping trip or similar outing.
- Your child has a cell phone or other expensive gifts they can’t or won’t explain.
- Your child begins consuming alcohol or using drugs.
The Difference Between a Predator and an Adult Interested in a Child’s Welfare
Not every adult who takes an interest in your child is a predator. However, if an adult tried to manipulate time alone with your child, that is a red flag. An adult genuinely interested in a child’s welfare–and they are the rule, not the exception–spends time with the child in the company of other adults and does not attempt to isolate them.
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Holding Perpetrators Accountable
Child sexual abuse is a crime. If your child discloses the abuse to you, believe them and immediately notify law enforcement. You can also file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator even if they were not criminally charged.
Many child sexual abusers do not possess sufficient assets to file a civil lawsuit against them. However, third parties may also be held liable if they knew or should have known that child sexual abuse was occurring either on their premises or by employees or volunteers. These third parties may include schools, religious organizations, camps, recreational organizations, and juvenile detention centers.
Third parties facing child sexual abuse lawsuits are generally amenable to settling these cases quickly and for considerable sums. They do not want negative publicity and want to put the case behind them.
At Crowe Arnold & Majors, LLP, we are proud of our track record in holding child sex abusers accountable for their actions. For instance, we are responsible for multiple and substantial settlements involving children abused by Catholic priests.
Contact a Dallas Child Sexual Abuse Attorney for a Free Consultation
If your daughter or son is a victim of child sexual abuse, you need the services of the compassionate and experienced child sexual assault lawyers at Crowe, Arnold & Majors, LLP. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today. Because we work on a contingency basis, you pay no fee unless you receive compensation.